How do I place a QR code on a blueprint in Prostream?

By placing a QR code on a blueprint in Prostream, you can quickly check if you're looking at the most recent version.

If you scan a QR code that you have stamped in Prostream during work, you will immediately see on your screen if you are working with the most recent version. To place such a stamp, you select a PDF version of the blueprint. With the stamp icon from the sidebar you can place a QR code at a position of your choice. Then click Save and Exit to place the stamp. Do you want to put it in a different place? This can be done by clicking the stamp icon again.

You will only see a green screen when you scan the QR code of the latest version or the last approved version of a document. If it is the latest version of a document, but an earlier version has been approved, you will see a red screen.

Is it the last version? Is it the last approved version? Are there previous approved versions? Screen
Yes Yes Yes Green
No Yes Yes Green
Yes No No Green
Yes No Yes Red
No No Yes Red
No No No Red