What's in the left menu in Prostream?

The menu on the left provides you with quick access to several modules.

  1. Scherm­afbeelding 2023-07-28 om 09.51.35My tasks: Here you will find an overview of all tasks assigned to you.
  2. My projects: here you will find all the projects in which you participate.
  3. Messages: Here you will find all messages that have been sent to you within the project or organization.
  4. Projects: here you will find all the projects of your organization.
  5. Objects: All objects for quality checks.
  6. Templates
    1. Metadata: Here you will find all metadata templates for files in your organization.
    2. Quality control: here you will find all standard checklists for your organization.
  7. Access: manage who has access to which folders within the organization.
  8. Settings
    1. Organisation: adjust the organization name here.
    2. License: adjust the business license here.
    3. Integrations: View and manage current integrations.
    4. Security: choose here whether SSO is mandatory or not for your organization.
  9. Colleagues
    1. Users: manage individual users.
    2. Groups: manage the different user groups.

Which functions you see exactly in the menu depends on your rights within the organization or project.