How do I create a new task in Prostream?

By assigning a task to someone, that person receives a notification and can get started right away.

Depending on the type of task, go to Tasks under Documents or Quality Control.

Quality Control Task

A quality control task was called a Round in Snagstream.

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-21 om 15.41.47To create a quality control task, under Quality Control, go to Tasks.
  1. Click on New quality task.
  2. Enter the title and, if necessary, a description and date.
  3. Under Participant, add the person who will perform the task.
  4. Select a Form or snag that you want completed or resolved.
  5. At Floor plans you add the file that you want to use as a basis for the quality round.
  6. Click Save and Close.
The person to whom you have assigned the task will see this task in their overview of tasks within the organization or project. The task will also appear in your overview, so you can monitor its progress.

Document task

Document tasks can be found under Files. A document task can be checking a file, approving it or when you just want to inform someone about the contents of a certain document.

  1. Go to Files and choose Folders.
  2. Select the documents that the document task applies to.
  3. Enter a deadline, a participant and a document action. By clicking Save and close, the participant will be notified.
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