Prostream update - week 35

Release #49


Blank page after opening an expired link

When a file was shared with you via a link with an expiration date, and you tried to open the link after the link expired, you were presented with a blank screen. This is no longer the case, you will now see a message.


User can navigate to a project without access

You will now see a notification when you as a user do not have access to a project or when the license of the organization of the project has expired.


The status of the document is synchronized in the document overview and in the version overview

When you adjusted the status of a file in the document overview (for example, approve), the version overview had to be refreshed before this adjustment was visible. This has now been resolved, so that the document overview and the version overview are synchronized.



PDFtron can now load larger files. The progress of this is made visible with a loading bar.