Prostream update - week 49

Release #65

New feature: Microsoft Office integration

Thanks to the Microsoft Office integration in Prostream, you no longer have to download your Excel, PowerPoint or Word files to edit them. You do not need your own Microsoft license. Upload the file in your Prostream environment and click on the Microsoft icon to edit it. You have access to the same tools as you are used to from Microsoft programs. Your colleagues can work on the same document at the same time. This prevents multiple versions of a file from living side by side.

Are you done editing? Then close the tab: your changes have been automatically saved. Prostream creates a new version of this in the same way as if you uploaded a new version.

Improvement: Double click

You now open subfolders by clicking on them twice.

Improvement: Metadata template

When creating a metadata template, there is a list of preset fields on the left. When you insert it into the template, the field is now automatically removed from the left list.

Issue resolved: Linking document tasks

It went wrong for a while to create a document task. The document was then not properly linked to the task. That has now been resolved.

Issue resolved: Duplicating projects

It was temporarily not possible to duplicate large projects; that is now possible again.